Alexandra Rempel

Alexandra Rempel wrote 881 posts

Gemeinsam statt einsam!

Du wohnst in Bad Reichenhall und kennst jemanden, der aus dem Ausland nach Bad Reichenhall zugezogen ist… der sich noch relativ einsam fühlt in der neuen Umgebung, sein Deutsch üben möchte in einer netten kleinen Gruppe, dann empfehle ihm oder ihr den Newcomers Club with Alexandra Rempel.

Du kannst mehr Infos erhalten wenn Du Dich meldest:

Liebe Grüße


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New Conversation Club for Newcomers for Practice of German as a Foreign Language in Bad Reichenhall

If you are new in Bad Reichenhall and want to get to know new interesting international professionals and practice your German, my Newcomers Club is the place to be.

My new group has still 4 spots and is meeting on Thursday from 3-4 p.m.

If you would prefer different time of the day, please contact me:

See you soon!


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Summer German Conversation Seminar

Every Wednesday night at 18:15 we are starting to have fun talking in German for one hour. If you are looking for a place to practice – we still have place for 2 people- our group is small, so that every participant can really participate in our conversations. The level of grammar should be B2.

My goal is to support the development of the vocabulary and correcting the mistakes if needed.

We are all professionals and enjoy each others experiences.

Join us.

Your teacher,


P.S. Registration :

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VHS Gesprächsdeutschkurs in Bad Reichenhall- Einschreibung läuft

Hallo, das neue Semester beginnt in 2 Wochen. Wer Interesse hat, hier der Link für mehr Infos:

Ich freue mich auf Dich!

Dipl.Soz.Päd. Alexandra Rempel

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