In the river of time…


Everyday the hours flow,

the minutes and the seconds go.

Everyday a day comes to an end.

The night comes and goes again.

We  also are swimming in the river of time,

without noticing , due to the business of life,

that suddenly we have,

in the sea of eternity,


Written by Alexandra Rempel,  February 4th 2014


Photo: A.Rempel


You need an inspiration how to get time for the life you want before its too late:


Yours, sincerly


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Krümel des Tages.

Fluss der Zeit.


Täglich fließen die Stunden, die Minuten, die Sekunden dahin.

Täglich vergeht ein Tag.

Täglich bricht die Nacht über uns herein und verschwindet irgendwohin.

Wir schwimmen im Fluss der Zeit,

und merken gar nicht vom Leben benommen,

dass wir plötzlich im Meer der Ewigkeit angekommen….

Geschrieben von Alexandra Rempel, am 4.Februar 2014


Photo: A.Rempel

Gute Nacht, Eure Alexandra

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The crumbs of the day.

At the end of the day I just want to post a question. Did you find some beauty during the day today?

My day was touched by the beauty of the sunny Föhn ( warm wind from Italy in the Alps ) day.

I took pictures and walked for a long walk with our dog.

Enjoy a look into my world and have a good sleep…and tomorrow look for the beauty in your world 🙂


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