Podróże z pasją: Manchester cz.6.

Trzecim skarbem w Manchesterze stały się taksówki z wyglądu tak śmieszne, że za każdym razem, gdy je widziałam , wyczarowały na mojej buzi uśmiech…

Funny Taxis.

Czwartym skarbem w pierwszy dzień stały się pelargonie, jedyne kwiaty które zobaczyłam w Manchesterze, i to tylko przy piwiarniach…

Geraniums Paradise In Front Of A Pub.

Dzisiaj życzę Wam, abyście i Wy znaleźli parę skarbów tam gdzie jesteście – niech wyczarują i na Waszych buziach uśmiech!


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Reiselust: Manchester Part 9

Heute möchte ich Euch auf eine Reise durch die unterschiedlichen Gesichter der Stadt Manchester einladen.
Hier der Northern Quarter, früheres Arbeitsviertel – heute mit vielen Clubs, Pubs und Künstlerboutiquen…

Charm Of The Northern Quarters/ Manchester

What Counts In Manchester...

Traditional English Breakfast Restaurant.

The Old  Manchester...

Auf dem Weg zu Picadilly Gardens Platz mit dem  Riesenrad.

View To The Big Wheel/Manchester.

Mail Box / Manchester...



Auf dem Picadilly Gardens Platz regiert immernoch die Königing Victoria, aber den Tauben ist es egal…

Queen Victoria Still Reigns In Manchester, But The Pigeon Doesn´t Care..


Pigeons Reign / Picadilly Gardens Manchester...

View To The Town Hall.

Genau zwischen den oben gezeigten Hochhäusern steht ein Denkmal, der polnischen Spuren in Manchester …

Chopin In Manchester.

Chopin In Manchester.

Der Fluss Irwell, eine natürliche Grenze des Geschäfts-, Arbeits-und Wohnviertels Spinningfields:

At The  River Bank Of The Irwell River.

Alt trifft Neu.

New And Old In Spinningfields / Manchester.

Old And New In Manchester.

The Road To Manchester´s Hilton Hotel.

The Beautiful Hilton ...

Old Manchester.

In Manchester.

Und nach dem man/ frau sich satt gesehen hat, muss man sich stärken…

Die italienische Küche rettet uns in Spinningfields Viertel!

Bei Carluccio´s wird Hausgemachtes serviert.

Abosolut ein feines Lokal, etwas für alle Sinne!

Morgen zeige ich es Euch 🙂

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Heute ist Muttertag.

Mutter. Tag.

Nur zwei Wörtchen sind es…

Doch wenn ich an die beiden Worte denke, eröffnet sich so viel in mir.

Unbeschreiblich ist die Wucht der Gefühle, die in mir erwachen,

wenn ich es zulasse.



meine Lebengeberinn,

meine Erzieherin,

meine Trösterin,

meine Köchin,

meine Putzfrau,

meine Ärztin,

meine Ratgeberin,

meine Freundin,

mein ein und alles…

Tag…doch es ist nicht nur ein Tag,

es ist die Zeit, eine bestimmte Zeit,

in der ich Zeit habe an all das bewusst zu denken,

was sie für mich bedeutet und es ihr klar zu sagen.


für mein Leben,


für alles was Du mir geschenkt hast,

weil es Dich in meinem Leben gibt!

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Ann Voskamp for Mothers´s Day :Why Mother´s Day Is Really Just For The Birds…

Ann Voskamp, one of my very favourite writers wrote a great post on her blog : http://www.aholyexperience.com/

I inserted it all here out of convenience for you, with her pictures on top of it.

Enjoy the material and enjoy more of her writings on her blog!

Happy Mother´s Day!

Because I ain’t no Hallmark mother –

and none of us are, if we’re really truth-telling here.


If we’re honest– and what else is there really — there were burnt dinners and yelling mornings.

And neck strained words over lost shoes and scattered Legos and unfinished homework and there were crumpled tears behind bathroom doors.

Not to mention the frozen pizzas and no clean underwear and the wild words no one would want the cameras rolling for.

And the realization — that a mother’s labor and delivery never ends and you never stop having to remember to breathe.

I became a mother on the eve of Mother’s Day. The Saturday before the Sunday — at the oblivious age of twenty-one.

And just seven days after I’d dropped my own fragile mama off at a locked psych ward. That Mother’s day eve baby, he turns 19 this year, day after Mother’s Day. And there’s no point kidding anyone — we’re all a bit crazy.

The deal is — Motherhood isn’t sainthood and we’re all a bunch of sinners here and don’t let anyone tell you any different — pushing something out of your womb doesn’t make you a better woman.

Real Womanhood isn’t a function of becoming a great mother, but of being loved by your Great Father. Someone write that on a card with a bouquet of flowers. We all need that.

We all need that for the days that we hated our mothers — or hated being a mother.

When no room was big enough to find peace and no clock could tick fast enough to just get the day over with, and the truth is, facades only end up suffocating us all and it’s only telling the truth that lets you breathe

and there really were days that felt pretty bad and looked pretty ugly.

And maybe that’s what it really was — maybe the days were pretty and ugly. Pretty…Ugly.

The ugly beautiful of reality and love and humanity and what it means to become real.

That was what was happening: the stacks of dishes and everests of laundry and the tantrums of toddlers and teenagers and tired mamas and all the scuffed up walls down the hall and through the heart, they were all wearing down the plastic of pride, wearing us down to the real wood of grace and the Cross. It really is okay.

To lose it and be found, to be rubbed the wrong way to be come the rightest way, to let all the hard times rub you down to real.

That’s just the pretty ugly of us — we’re not the Hallmark mother, just the Velveteen Mothers. The Velveteen Mothers who know when there’s a volleys of words and weary silences afterward and everything looks impossibly wrecked —

The angular, hard edges of perfection are being sanded down by all our scrapes and falls, till we’re round and soft and can get close enough to each other to just hold each other.

Only when you’re broken are you tender enough to wrap yourself around anyone.

Only the broken people can really embrace.

That’s us — could we just really hold onto each other?

Find each other and hold onto each other and offer the hug of the broken who know the relief that homemaking is about making a home, not perfection, that motherhood is a hallowed space because children aren’t commonplace, that anyone who fosters dreams and labor prayers is a mother to the child in us all.

We’ll be the holding-on-broken who know that it’s not that we won’t blow it but it’s what we’ll do with it afterwards, whose priorities aren’t things that get us noticed, but priorities are all Things Unseen, who keep praying to only speak words that make souls stronger and keep getting up when we fall down because this is always how things just fall together.

Just let them sell their truckloads of perfect Mother’s Day Cards.

There’s far more Velveteen Mothers who are broken into real and worn into beauty.

Who have busted the Balloon of Better Homes, Gardens and Women and live the Gospel of Grace and we’re done with perfection because we’re the Everyday Prodigals who are wasteful in love and extravagant in grace and recklessly spending our attention on the mercies of the Prodigal God.

God wants Prodigal Parents — not perfect parents.

Lavish in love, extravagant in truth, big spenders of grace.






There will be cake this weekend. And we will eat it too.

And there will be tears and there will be laughter — because what messes our life up most — is the expectation of what our life is supposed to look like — and there will be a mess of dishes in the sink and a ring of grime in the bathtub and the clock will just keep on ticking and we’ll grab onto someone right in the kitchen and just hold on and let go.

It won’t be perfect — but we’ll be prodigals.

Because can count on it: Mother’s Day is for the birds –

us who are flying on the wings of His grace and a prayer.

More of Ann Voskamp´s wonderful writings: http://www.aholyexperience.com/

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