Beauty of the Fall…and Being like a Child.


Red, yellow, gold, brown and green.

Different shapes and sizes.

The time to pick up, the time to dry,

the time to create,

the time to watch…

red, yellow, gold, brown and green.

Different shapes and sizes.

We humans, are also different in so many ways and so beautiful.

My wish today is,

we could

take time to respect each other,

take the time to discover each other,

take time to enrich each other.

In the Bible Jesus says, we should become like children.

Children are curious…

Children don´t judge…

Children take time to play,

children take time to discover,

children trust.

I want to be like a child in the middle of that crazy world…

I wish you today a heart like a child…

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Alexandra Rempel

Alexandra Rempel wrote 881 posts

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